
Relocation of Eva’s Satellite Hotel program

As of late August, the young people staying at our temporary hotel and Satellite program have been relocated from 60 York Street to 4584 Kingston Road until the summer/fall of 2024. Eva’s Satellite Hotel program will provide emergency and longer-term housing for up to 46 youth at the new Kingston Road location.  While the temporary hotel program was originally put in place as an emergency response to the pandemic, the program will now house the Eva’s Satellite program while [...]

Relocation of Eva’s Satellite Hotel program2023-08-29T15:02:09-04:00

Harm reduction key to keeping youth safe

As the opioid crisis continues to escalate, harm reduction has become one of the most vital services at Eva’s. Celestina, a harm reduction worker at Eva's Celestina, a harm reduction worker at Eva’s, tailors her approach from harm reduction to addiction counselling, depending on the youth’s goals. These goals can vary from employing strategies to reduce risks while continuing substance use to pursuing complete abstinence, should the youth choose to do so. In addition to dispensing sterile [...]

Harm reduction key to keeping youth safe2023-08-24T17:53:51-04:00