At Eva’s Satellite, youth take the first crucial steps toward rebuilding their lives by receiving counselling, life skills training and participating in healthy recreation programs. With services provided by Inner City Health Associates, and partnerships with Central Toronto Youth Services and many other community agencies, Eva’s Satellite is developing innovative programming to respond to the needs of youth who actively use drugs and alcohol.

Some would define success as connecting with a youth for the first time while others say that success is helping youth maintain their sobriety. When looking at youth who use drugs and alcohol to cope, success comes in many shapes and forms. Our Harm Reduction Program continues to be a much-needed service for marginalized, homeless, street-involved youth.

In association with the Inner City Health Associates, we are able to provide a comprehensive Clinical Program on-site that includes psychiatric services and primary and preventative health care. Our clinical program runs each Tuesday and Thursday, with specialized sexual health clinics every two months. We offer both scheduled and unscheduled appointments.

In order to work effectively with our neighbours and the local community, Eva’s Satellite runs the Community Outreach Program. We provide outreach services to community members, local businesses and organizations and mediation/conflict resolution services to youth and neighbours as needed. If you are a local organization, own a business or live in the neighbourhood and have a question or concern about Eva’s Satellite, please call our Community Outreach Worker at 647-838-1189.

“After detox, I went to Satellite where I started my slow climb into the real world. Staff helped me get my life back together. Clean and sober, I found a job; however, I gave up because it was not a good environment for someone trying to stay sober. So I got another job. Eva’s has helped me more than I can say – understanding what I am and what other youth go through. It is hard dealing with many youth with problems and trying to find a way to help everyone. I wish there were more people in the world like Eva’s staff.” – Sam

Harm reduction shelter for youth 16-24
Mon-Sun, 24 hours | Call in Advance

4584 Kingston Road, Scarborough, ON M1E 2P4


416-229-1874 (Direct Line)

416-338-4766 (City of Toronto Intake)

Safe Space