2022–2023 Annual Impact Report


Welcome to our 2022–23 fiscal year retrospective.

Eva’s was founded on perseverance, strength, compassion, and the unwavering belief that every young person deserves a chance to thrive. As we embark on the next phase of our journey, we draw inspiration from our founder, Eva Smith, and her Jamaican roots.

Eva’s is committed to fostering an inclusive and equitable environment for all youth. We are putting the infrastructure in place to serve some of the most vulnerable in society: Black youth experiencing homelessness with all their intersecting identities. In doing so, we can ensure our programs and services will benefit all who need them, regardless of race or background.

We extend our deepest gratitude to each of you for your continued support. Together, we can build on Eva Smith’s strong foundation and ensure that every young person can soar to new heights.

With gratitude and determination,

Read Our Strategic Plan
Our new strategic three-year plan is centring Black youth through a comprehensive roadmap. We are excited to share our updated mission, vision, values, and four strategic priorities with you.


This is an Afri-futurist self-portrait of myself as an elder, featuring a background grid reminiscent of the “My Life in Weeks” poster. The squares in this piece are intentionally not fully shaded in or filled in a linear sequence. This represents the non-linear experience of time and the complexity within a week, including the emptiness, creativity, and monotony one can feel. The glasses symbolize being shaded/ hidden from collective hypnosis and amnesia that can develop from a long life. As an elder, I aim to protect my memories and my vision of life's unseen treasures while also aging with style.


The sitter inspired this piece. I aimed to capture a moment in the subject’s safe space, the kitchen. I followed them as they prepared dinner, witnessing the care and time devoted to creating a dish. The photo captures them looking out the window, reflecting on the warmth of their home. When looking at this piece, I hope you feel hope, safety, and warmth.


Fallen, appeased from persecution
who will protect us make them crown, deny our success and acknowledge
Perception guarded by human refuse
a poisonous devil, ever quickly ever quietly.
for our greatest hope is messy
for the truly
for the humiliated Risen.

This year’s report highlights a remarkable collaboration with some of the youth engaged in our programs and services. With support from a dedicated mentorship team, youth had the opportunity to express themselves through various mediums, such as painting, photography, illustration, graphic design, and poetry.

The selected youth artists featured in this report will receive an honorarium and a printed copy of the report for their portfolios.


With each stroke, I wanted to capture the essence of living with ADHD and anxiety, where thoughts swirl in a kaleidoscope of colors. The erratic composition mirrors the unpredictable nature of these conditions. Yet, within the chaos lies a sense of familiarity and understanding. This piece offers a glimpse into the normalized chaos of my world.


I created this piece inspired by the growth process of flowers, reflecting our journey of evolution as individuals. Just as flowers face dark, rainy days and bright, clear ones, we, too, experience ups and downs, constantly evolving. I arrived at Eva’s with an incomplete piece of artwork, and with the help of my peers and mentors, I was able to unleash my creativity. This piece showcases how persistence and self-belief can lead to creating something beautiful and unexpected.


Eva’s Satellite has undergone a transformation in recent years, almost exclusively supporting refugees or asylum seekers since the summer of 2022.

For a lot of our youth, their first stop after getting off the plane is Eva’s Satellite. They simply have nowhere else to go. Some are as young as 17 or 18 and may be fleeing persecution or forced marriages. They’re leaving everything behind and starting from scratch,” says Monique Thompson, Senior Site Manager at Eva’s Satellite.

Staff at Satellite have partnered with clothing banks, found a food vendor specializing in Afro- and Caribbean food, and created connections with newcomer services, including interpreters, to help complete work permits and immigration documents.

Monique says that most newcomers are eager to move out of the shelter and often secure housing with a peer they met at Eva’s.


We recognize systemic barriers like anti-Black racism significantly impact the lives of the young people we support. Our Youth Journey Map (YJM) serves as an Africentric blueprint for designing and implementing programs and services for Black youth.

Featuring principles like Nia (Purpose), Ujamaa (Cooperative Economics), and Kujichagulia (Self-determination), the YJM centres the youth’s cultural heritage and individual challenges, empowering them as authorities in their own lives.

Emergency shelters have become longer-term housing stopgaps. As Toronto grapples with an affordable housing and cost-of-living crisis, youth experiencing homelessness are finding themselves stuck in the shelter system despite their strong desire and skills to transition to independence.

Addressing individual and systemic needs goes beyond numbers. We’re committed to supporting youth with their individual and systemic needs; the Youth Journey Map allows our focus to move towards more meaningful outcomes.

465 youth

found shelter and safety at Eva’s this year:


at Place


at Eva’s Phoenix


at YOUth Belong


at Satellite

Learn, Take Action, and Lead with Eva’s

Our donor engagement activities and events offer supporters a hands-on opportunity to connect with our mission, gain insight into our work, and experience the direct impact of their support.

Participants’ key-takeaways:

  • The eye-opening realization that youth homelessness is often hidden in Toronto.

  • The significance of equipping young people experiencing homelessness with life skills.

  • Feeling empowered to pass on the empathy they gained during their session.

September 2023 marked the 10th anniversary of Eva’s Golf Classic, which raised $278,000 in support of Eva’s.

We sincerely thank our dedicated volunteers, sponsors, and event participants.

Save the Date for this year’s Golf Classic on September 17, 2024 — click here for more information.


We’re creating anti-racist and social justice solutions to youth homelessness.

Donors provided 30% of our total revenue. Thank you for your support—your contributions are integral to our work.

  • Streamlined fundraising and increased revenue

  • More support for youth programs due to administrative cost reduction
  • YOUth Belong increases capacity

  • Cents to the cause

  • Planning for the future


  • 43% Shelter Services (Place, Phoenix, and Satellite)

  • 21% Youth Programs

  • 14% Administration

  • 14% Interdependent Living
    (YOUth Belong)
  • 7% Fundraising


  • 66% Government funding (Including Toronto Shelter and Support Services)

  • 30% Donations, fundraising and grants

  • 3% Eva’s Print Shop Sales

  • 1% Investment Income + Other

Sources of Donations

  • 39% Foundations and Grants

  • 20% Individual Giving (including Major Gifts)

  • 18% Corporate

  • 15% Community and Third–Party Events

  • 8% Special events (Eva’s Golf Classic)



As the grandson of Eva Smith and newly appointed Honourary Board Member succeeding my esteemed grandfather, Ed Smith, Eva’s legacy has always been a guiding light in my life. With immense pride, I continue the incredible work my family started.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude for your ongoing support. Together, let’s forge a future that echoes the passion and commitment that Eva’s has represented for over three decades.

Warm Regards,

Marcus Smith
Honourary Board Member, Eva’s Initiatives for Homeless Youth

To our community of supporters including our corporate, foundation, government, and individual donors who have generously contributed to the work of Eva’s over the last year.

Click here to download the report and discover the full impact.

Help provide targeted supports for Black youth in the shelter system