Eva’s 2020-21 Annual Impact Report
youth found shelter and safety with Eva’s
at Eva’s Place
at the Delta Hotel
at YOUth Belong
at Eva’s Pheonix
at Eva’s Satellite

Our organization’s innovative approach to supporting youth experiencing homelessness started with our founder, Eva Maud Smith. Her legacy remains central to the work we do today.
“Even though the pandemic is creating difficulties in everyone’s lives, our community of supporters recognize the unique challenges homeless youth are experiencing and continue to show their support. Thank you.”
—Louise Smith, Executive Director
“We will continue to centre the legacy of our founder, Eva Smith, and our core organizational principles in our work as we strive to help young people build brighter futures free of homelessness.”
—Aisha Francis & Graeme Young, Co-Chairs of the Eva’s Board of Directors

Helping youth rise from trauma
As the pandemic persists so too does the decline in youth mental health. The needs of homeless youth populations have been heightened. These youth have experienced loss of employment, income, housing, family members, social supports, and community connections. As a result, their well-being has spiraled–mentally, physically, and emotionally.

Building bridges out of homelessness
Eva’s Family Reconnect program helps prevent the cycle of youth homelessness. By building bridges to reconnect youth to themselves, their families (immediate or chosen), and their communities, our program helps young people re-establish, keep, and expand healthy and supportive relationships.
Employment and training help pave the path to self-sufficiency
Eva’s Employment and Training program provides youth with the skills and support to gain training, experience, and a stable income. The goal of the program is to enable young people to actualize their potential and lead productive, self-sufficient lives.
The Eva’s Print Shop: Fuelling work opportunities for youth
Eva’s Print Shop is a full-service digital printer and social enterprise that opens doors for youth experiencing homelessness. The Print Shop’s goals are to be a self-sustainable business providing a paid employment training course and employment opportunities for youth.

Impacts of COVID-19 on youth experiencing homelessness

of service providers reported an increase in youth experiencing anxiety.

of service providers reported an increase in youth experiencing depression.

of 2SLGBTQ+ youth in the GTA experiencing homelessness have attempted suicide since the COVID-19 pandemic began and 82% engaged in self harm.
Supporting the intersecting identities of youth through housing
While youth of all backgrounds can experience homelessness, youth who are Black, racialized, Indigenous, and/or 2SLGBTQ+ are over-represented. To help meet the needs of these youth, we centre equity and inclusion in the way we deliver our program and services, including through our housing support.
Emergency-based shelter programs: Helping youth find their own path out of homelessness
For youth experiencing homelessness, the journey from chaos and crisis to stability often starts at one of Eva’s emergency shelter sites. At both Eva’s Place and Eva’s Satellite Hotel, youth receive immediate programming support day and night from our expert staff.
31 young people were moved into independent housing through the YOUth Belong program

Thank you to our community of supporters including our corporate, foundation, government, and individual donors who have generously contributed to the work of Eva’s over the last year.
Eva’s a key part of Cadillac Fairview’s philanthropic strategy
Cadillac Fairview cares about the communities it serves. In fact, that’s one of the defining characteristics of the commercial real estate company, says their Director of Brand, Patricia Ing. “Our purpose, ‘transforming communities for a vibrant tomorrow’, has been a guiding light for us for many years. We believe that human connection is at the core of individual and societal health and well-being, and we take pride in supporting organizations that share similar values and beliefs.”
Jaden’s Fundraiser: Youth helping youth
There are lots of ways for high school students to achieve their required community service hours. Grade 10 students Jaden DaSilva and Beketa Million made theirs count by co-organizing a neighbourhood event that raised $1,800 for Eva’s last summer.
Family legacy continues through supporting youth in need
In keeping with EW Bickle’s original intention, the Bickle-Wilder Foundation supports all manner of social, health, and community organizations across the city. Eva’s has been a grateful recipient of support from the Bickle-Wilder Foundation since 2010.